Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Moto!!! huhuhaha :)

tadi blaja balek bawak moto.. huhu.. cam hape jek.. klaka la... time nak dapat L kat JPJ men bawak jek... tersangkut2.. haha.. malu nyerrr .. hahha.. seb bek balek uma neyh baba da betul moto.. hahaa.. bley aa bawak sket2.. kakaka.. x pandai aa nak wat yang 8 tu.. bile pk balek.. takutnyer nak pekse JPJ... uwaaa... T_T.. but nvm though.. this hols i'll practise and practise..
ery!! aja! aja! fighting.. hmm.. speaking like korean.. kaka... FYI, im watching korean drama snow white rite know.. huhuhaha.. kk..thats all for today.. over and out!

weirdo ery?huhuhaha...

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