Saturday, December 8, 2007

LOL! did i FORCE u?!

Woah! today i sleep almost whole day! Haha. Coz i sleep late la, around hmm 2am den woke up around 3pm sumthin :p. Den after that do nth but 2 stick at my room watchin my lil bro play BS. At 1st he won the game, 2nd game he lose! cian die ><, nvm least he got win wad~ At the same time my younger sis was watchin jdodrama first kiss. Not interested 2 watch tgt, coz my youngest sis oso was doing sumthin wif my mum's laptop, sumore inside my ROOM oso!.. I think she played maple at that time. So i was Soooooooooo BOred u noe!! Open the tv 2 watch sumthin, bahx all channel boring! Sobs T__T. After dat, my mum back frm her work, do some cooking, and the rest i dun care. :D haha. Th
en, at 6pm asked my mum 2 teach mi bout car since i reli confused on sumthin. Around 7pm, singgah kedai buy Roti~. heee my mum bought mi an ice cream ><
Eh btw, dear my Lovely Sis, since when i FORCE u 2 write?! I juz asked u if u wanna write sumthin inside or not! Duh! Lol~

So it 2.31am, woah not sleepy yet huh? yup burung antu le katekan. Hee onli sleep at morning!~ x kisah pon if sumone say im Pemalas coz they oso do the same thing wad? Dun say u dont.

Unknown info bout mi FYI
I hate 'over' attitude person or over control...and don't act innocent in front me, coz i know people are not born with that...duh!! Im a human just like you, and that means i can get pissed off just like everyone else. I have my bad days and my good ones too. So juz be urself.. izzit So hard?

kays, peace!~
Lily (:

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