Saturday, December 8, 2007

Konichiwa!!!! ery des~

hai!hai! act this is the first time i write smthing like this!! huhu.. well, my sis kinda force me to do it.. i was act watching first kiss jdodrama.. what a nice one.. hehe.. inoue mou acted in it.. thats why i watch adorable~~ cute hmm..act my whole day today kinda boring as i dun get the chance to go out with my pren.. wuwuwu T.T.. so bad huh??we plan to go to MP but too bad that her father wan to use the car.. lame excuse act but nvm lorr.. thats her desicion not mine.. cant force her rite?? well.. i kinda immune to it.. so my life practically boring.. watching movie and drama all day long.. but .. maybe tomoro might change coz my mom said that we'll go to kak fara wedding ceremony.. shasiburi ne~ lame da x gi tempat org kawen.. hehe... kk soreja~

Ery (:

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