Monday, December 10, 2007

He so sweet~~ dats y i like bout him :)

NEWS 2006-04
Tegoshi Yûya

Tegoshi Yûya
"If she makes it specially for me, simple nikujaga* is great"

Q1: Would you go to a member for help in planning a date? If you do, who would you ask?
A: I wouldn't for the basics, but when I did, I'd ask Koyama-kun. Somehow I have the image of him being knowledgeable when it comes to love. He'll surely give me good advise.

Q2: Have you ever bought clothes directly before a date, just for the date?
A: No!! I don't change my clothes just for a girl. I absolutely don't want to pretend being a good guy. I'd go with the same clothes I wear when I meet my male friends.

Q3: Do you check your appearance carefully before you go out?
A: I don't!! Because if you create a special image of yourself for a date, you have to keep up with that image, right. I want her to see me like I am, I won't change from my normal self.

Q4: Please tell us about your ideal spring dating plan!
A: When you think of spring, you think of sakura. I want to go flower watching and create a romantic mood. Then, we'd be in the middle of a lot of people who'd think we're really annoying the way we cling to each other. When the sun goes down, I'd like to go to a spot where you can view the night scenery.

Q5: When you watch a movie, is it a love story? Or action?
A: Action! Because I just like them, a very simple reason. *laughs* If I decided on a love story, it wouldn't be with any aim in mind, we'd watch it normally, just normally.

Q6: You watch a movie and it touches you to tears. Is it okay to show them to your girlfriend?
A: It's okay! I want her to see me as I am. Isn't it great to feel her love when I cry rivers and she says "You idiot!"

Q7: If you want to go out and have some fun, will it be the zoo? Or the amusement park?
A: The amusement part of course. I want to get all hyper at the amusement park. And I want to hear her say "Scary!!" when we ride a roller coaster or enter the ghost house. Because I like stupidly in love couples. But since I'm always frozen with terror in ghost houses, in reality it would probably be impossible for me to go there. *laughs*

Q8: Would you want her to accompany you when you go shopping?
A: When she says she wants to tag along, of course, she can come along.

Q9: Would you accompany her when she goes shopping?
A: I would. Even if I have to wait for her a lot, I have to be persevere in my patience when she worries about what clothes to pick.

Q10: It's your first date. Do you end up being very formal, or are you rather the casual type?
A: I just ask her normally "Where should we go?" When she says she wants to go to a fancy restaurant, I'd treat her. I'd to anywhere with her, to heaven, to hell, wherever she wants to go!

Q11: You drink tea at a café. Do you sit at the counter or at a table?
A: At the table. Because I want to sit there relaxed and talk about various things.

Q12: She's making you bento. What would you request?
A: When she's making specially for me, anything is fine really, just simple nikujaga*, that's great. *laughs* There's warmth in that.

Q13: You are late. How do you apologize?
A: I'd say "Gomen. I'll make it up to you with lots of love ne~" *laughs*

Q14: During a date, how much would you let her have her way?
A: As much as I can. It's proof that you're a man when you listen to your girlfriend's slightly selfish wishes!! If she pestered me for brand things? I'd buy them on the spot! Men are idiots. *laughs*

Q15: If you have a fight, do you apologize? Don't you apologize?
A: I can't do anything bad, so I can't apologize. But I'll give her lots of loving instead so that she forgets about the fight!

Q16: You accidently make an appointment with your friend for a time when you have a date with your girlfriend. Which one do you choose?
A: Waah, that's difficult!! It depends on the timing, but I guess I'd take my girlfriend since my friend would surely understand.

Q17: During a date, you accidently run into one of the other NEWS members. What do you do?
A: I'd brag "My girlfriend!!" I'd be all like "Look look! How is she? What do you think?"

Q18: Would you want your girlfriend to wear cute clothes or rather sexy clothes?
A: If it feels like she has both, that'd be great. I like it when there's a patch of skin between jeans and t-shirt.

Q19: Are you the type to carry the shopping bags for your girlfriend?
A: I'd normally carry them for her without a fuss.

Q20: Would you wear clothes matching those of your girlfriend?
A: I would!! We'd show off wearing exactly the same t-shirts, or the same pattern.

Q21: If you walk next to your girlfriend, do you walk on her right or on her left side?
A: On her right. I'd steadily protect her with my left hand, and if something came at her, wham!, I'd hit it with my right hand.

Q22: During your date, do you want her attention all the time?
A: I want her to take care of me!! Even when we're on the train, it's great if she leans against me.

Q23: What's the thing you are happy when your girlfriend does it during your date?
A: When she suddenly hugs me tight for an unknown reason. Like, "There you are!?", that would make me happy.

Q24: What's the thing you wouldn't like when your girlfriend does it during your date?
A: There's nothing like that. She could even fart, I wouldn't mind at all. Isn't it great when you can just be yourself.

Q25: If you part ways at the end of your date, would you already decide on the time of your next date?
A: I don't think I would. I'd go home and then mail her, asking "Are you free tomorrow?", I think.

Q26: Are you the type who can't say goodbye, or do you say it straight out?
A: I say it straight out. "Jaa ne", showing her my lingering affection when we part, conveying that I want to meet her again.

Q27: What thing could your girlfriend say when you say goodbye that would make happy?
A: Just normally "Jaa ne", "I love you" or "Let's have fun again" is okay. I'll surely have a smile on my face.

Q28: Please show us the face you'd show to your girlfriend when you say goodbye to her, and attach a message!
A: "Jaa, adios!!"

Q29: What's your main attractive point during NEWS' spring concert?
A: I think we'll be able to perform our new song "Sayaendô", when you listen to it, please try to imagine you're on a boat.

Q30: Please tell us where you worked especially hard for your new single!
A: I'll sing the very simple line of "Ashita mo aeru hazu shinjiteiru sa". I thought I'd like to sing that line, so I put a lot of spirit into it.

*nikujaga: a stewed meat and potato dish

yepp dats all :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

now i REALLY wouldn't mind being his girlfriend!
he is just so cute,neh??