Saturday, December 22, 2007

Yeah seem lidat huh? ari2 hujan..seb baek x banjir tempat aku ne...ujan ni wat mate aku berat je, hehe mmg keje aku tdo je memanjang, pastu kalo xde keje gi surf memane yg best..smlm abg balik umah, patutnye die drive dr kl tapi unfortunately demam...hoho, bagus gak..sbb die x jadik bawak kekawan aper kan? leh lepak kat umah freely..hee :D

Lily (:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Moto!!! huhuhaha :)

tadi blaja balek bawak moto.. huhu.. cam hape jek.. klaka la... time nak dapat L kat JPJ men bawak jek... tersangkut2.. haha.. malu nyerrr .. hahha.. seb bek balek uma neyh baba da betul moto.. hahaa.. bley aa bawak sket2.. kakaka.. x pandai aa nak wat yang 8 tu.. bile pk balek.. takutnyer nak pekse JPJ... uwaaa... T_T.. but nvm though.. this hols i'll practise and practise..
ery!! aja! aja! fighting.. hmm.. speaking like korean.. kaka... FYI, im watching korean drama snow white rite know.. huhuhaha.. kk..thats all for today.. over and out!

weirdo ery?huhuhaha...

Monday, December 10, 2007

ShOppiNG Tmr Myb :p

Yeah!!~ cant wait it happen. coz the 1 hu kuarkan duit is my lovely sis. haha. bad me! yup :p. hey2 she the 1 hu say.. "kak, jom gi shopping! owg blanje :p".
wuhoo!~ best2!!
btw, ape salahnye kan? tgh pokai skang ne..hee untung ade adek :p hehe

Lily :p

da lame da x gi..looking forwad to it.. ja ne..


He so sweet~~ dats y i like bout him :)

NEWS 2006-04
Tegoshi Yûya

Tegoshi Yûya
"If she makes it specially for me, simple nikujaga* is great"

Q1: Would you go to a member for help in planning a date? If you do, who would you ask?
A: I wouldn't for the basics, but when I did, I'd ask Koyama-kun. Somehow I have the image of him being knowledgeable when it comes to love. He'll surely give me good advise.

Q2: Have you ever bought clothes directly before a date, just for the date?
A: No!! I don't change my clothes just for a girl. I absolutely don't want to pretend being a good guy. I'd go with the same clothes I wear when I meet my male friends.

Q3: Do you check your appearance carefully before you go out?
A: I don't!! Because if you create a special image of yourself for a date, you have to keep up with that image, right. I want her to see me like I am, I won't change from my normal self.

Q4: Please tell us about your ideal spring dating plan!
A: When you think of spring, you think of sakura. I want to go flower watching and create a romantic mood. Then, we'd be in the middle of a lot of people who'd think we're really annoying the way we cling to each other. When the sun goes down, I'd like to go to a spot where you can view the night scenery.

Q5: When you watch a movie, is it a love story? Or action?
A: Action! Because I just like them, a very simple reason. *laughs* If I decided on a love story, it wouldn't be with any aim in mind, we'd watch it normally, just normally.

Q6: You watch a movie and it touches you to tears. Is it okay to show them to your girlfriend?
A: It's okay! I want her to see me as I am. Isn't it great to feel her love when I cry rivers and she says "You idiot!"

Q7: If you want to go out and have some fun, will it be the zoo? Or the amusement park?
A: The amusement part of course. I want to get all hyper at the amusement park. And I want to hear her say "Scary!!" when we ride a roller coaster or enter the ghost house. Because I like stupidly in love couples. But since I'm always frozen with terror in ghost houses, in reality it would probably be impossible for me to go there. *laughs*

Q8: Would you want her to accompany you when you go shopping?
A: When she says she wants to tag along, of course, she can come along.

Q9: Would you accompany her when she goes shopping?
A: I would. Even if I have to wait for her a lot, I have to be persevere in my patience when she worries about what clothes to pick.

Q10: It's your first date. Do you end up being very formal, or are you rather the casual type?
A: I just ask her normally "Where should we go?" When she says she wants to go to a fancy restaurant, I'd treat her. I'd to anywhere with her, to heaven, to hell, wherever she wants to go!

Q11: You drink tea at a café. Do you sit at the counter or at a table?
A: At the table. Because I want to sit there relaxed and talk about various things.

Q12: She's making you bento. What would you request?
A: When she's making specially for me, anything is fine really, just simple nikujaga*, that's great. *laughs* There's warmth in that.

Q13: You are late. How do you apologize?
A: I'd say "Gomen. I'll make it up to you with lots of love ne~" *laughs*

Q14: During a date, how much would you let her have her way?
A: As much as I can. It's proof that you're a man when you listen to your girlfriend's slightly selfish wishes!! If she pestered me for brand things? I'd buy them on the spot! Men are idiots. *laughs*

Q15: If you have a fight, do you apologize? Don't you apologize?
A: I can't do anything bad, so I can't apologize. But I'll give her lots of loving instead so that she forgets about the fight!

Q16: You accidently make an appointment with your friend for a time when you have a date with your girlfriend. Which one do you choose?
A: Waah, that's difficult!! It depends on the timing, but I guess I'd take my girlfriend since my friend would surely understand.

Q17: During a date, you accidently run into one of the other NEWS members. What do you do?
A: I'd brag "My girlfriend!!" I'd be all like "Look look! How is she? What do you think?"

Q18: Would you want your girlfriend to wear cute clothes or rather sexy clothes?
A: If it feels like she has both, that'd be great. I like it when there's a patch of skin between jeans and t-shirt.

Q19: Are you the type to carry the shopping bags for your girlfriend?
A: I'd normally carry them for her without a fuss.

Q20: Would you wear clothes matching those of your girlfriend?
A: I would!! We'd show off wearing exactly the same t-shirts, or the same pattern.

Q21: If you walk next to your girlfriend, do you walk on her right or on her left side?
A: On her right. I'd steadily protect her with my left hand, and if something came at her, wham!, I'd hit it with my right hand.

Q22: During your date, do you want her attention all the time?
A: I want her to take care of me!! Even when we're on the train, it's great if she leans against me.

Q23: What's the thing you are happy when your girlfriend does it during your date?
A: When she suddenly hugs me tight for an unknown reason. Like, "There you are!?", that would make me happy.

Q24: What's the thing you wouldn't like when your girlfriend does it during your date?
A: There's nothing like that. She could even fart, I wouldn't mind at all. Isn't it great when you can just be yourself.

Q25: If you part ways at the end of your date, would you already decide on the time of your next date?
A: I don't think I would. I'd go home and then mail her, asking "Are you free tomorrow?", I think.

Q26: Are you the type who can't say goodbye, or do you say it straight out?
A: I say it straight out. "Jaa ne", showing her my lingering affection when we part, conveying that I want to meet her again.

Q27: What thing could your girlfriend say when you say goodbye that would make happy?
A: Just normally "Jaa ne", "I love you" or "Let's have fun again" is okay. I'll surely have a smile on my face.

Q28: Please show us the face you'd show to your girlfriend when you say goodbye to her, and attach a message!
A: "Jaa, adios!!"

Q29: What's your main attractive point during NEWS' spring concert?
A: I think we'll be able to perform our new song "Sayaendô", when you listen to it, please try to imagine you're on a boat.

Q30: Please tell us where you worked especially hard for your new single!
A: I'll sing the very simple line of "Ashita mo aeru hazu shinjiteiru sa". I thought I'd like to sing that line, so I put a lot of spirit into it.

*nikujaga: a stewed meat and potato dish

yepp dats all :)


Yuya Tegoshi (:

Name: Tegoshi Yuya
Nickname(s): Tego, Tegocha, Tesshi, Tegorin, Tegonyan, Goshi
Birthday: 1987.11.11
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Kanagawa
Profession: Actor and singer
Height: 168cm
Weight: 55kg
Blood type: B
Radio Show: NEWS Tegoshi Yuya’s What A Wonderful Music!

Tegoshi entered Johnny's during December 2002. He participated in various Johnny's Junior activities until, ten months later, he debuted as a part of NEWS. At the time of his debut, he was almost completely unknown. Even most of the members did not know who he was.
However, he gained popularity with his singing, which was one of the best in the group. He also started in acting, becoming the first member to star in a movie, and gained more roles in various Japanese dramas. He appeared with band members on Johnny's related television shows like Shounen Club and Ya-Ya-yah. He also hosted his own radio show, What a Wonderful Music. He is the self-proclaimed worst dancer but is considered one of the best, if not the best, singer in the group.
During NEWS's hiatus in 2006, he and bandmate Takahisa Masuda formed the duo Tegomass. They released the single Miso Soup in Sweden, recorded entirely in English, that reached #12 on the Swedish charts. In December of 2006, they released the Japanese Miso Soup single in Japan, which reached #1 on the Oricon charts. In spring of 2007, he worked in Tegomass as they represented the Japanese High School Volleyball Tournament as well as contribute a song to the anime Lovely Complex with a new single, Kiss ~Kaerimichi no Love Song which debuted at 2#
Currently, he is once again working as a member of NEWS.
Lily :p
FTW!? haha

TEGOSHI YUYA!! Dam cute!! ~><~

SO Kawaiii!!! Kyaa!!~ Tegoshi Yuya- :p

Lily (:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang

Title: Kwae-geol Choon-hyang
Also known as: Sassy Girl, Choon-hyang (KBS Global) / Pleasurable Girl Choon-Hyang / Heroine Chun-hyang (YesAsia)
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 17
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2005-01-03 to 2005-03-01
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 9:55 PM
Theme Songs: Delightful Girl Choon Hyang OST

"Sassy Girl, Choon-hyang" is the 2005 interpretation of the "Legend of Choon-hyang". The story begins when Lee Mong-ryong is transferred from Seoul to a high school in Namwon, North Jeolla Province. Chun-hyang does her best to help Mong-ryong, her first love and the son of the Namwon Police Station chief, to enter a prestigious university. However, after meeting with Mong-ryong’s first love, Chae-rin, Mong-ryong’s love toward Chun-hyang is shattered, although Chun-hyang’s love remains unwavering.
One day, Byeon Hak-do, CEO of a famous entertainment company, appears in her life. He exudes confidence that he can make any woman fall for him. But as Chun-hyang shows no interest in him, his self-esteem is damaged profoundly. Byeon Hak-do is determined to make her love him.
Source: KBS Global Marketing

Han Chae Young as Sung Chun-hyang
Jae Hee as Lee Mong-ryong
Uhm Tae Woong as Byun Hak-do
Park Shi Eun as Hong Chae-rin
Lee In Hye as Han Dan-hee
Moon Ji Yoon as Pang Ji-hyuk
Kim Chung as Kong Wol-mae
Ahn Suk Hwan as Mong-ryong's father
Choi Ran as Mong-ryong's mother
Joo Ho as Dong Soo

Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang :p


ok hear dis!, ytd i went to tangkak 2 take the license, guess wad?

His Friend: Weh Takkan tu pon tak tau!
HIM : Tak pe, bapak die kaye. rm200 tu small matter je bg die.
ME : ..... [siot btul]
His Friend : Eleh ingat aku nak sangat duit ko. Ingat duit leh settle everything ahh?
ME : ....[did i say sumthing?! wth]
HIM : Alahh, tak pe, yg penting duit masuk beb!
ME : [ tengok je diorg sambil mencarut giler dlm hati!!! panas giler aku]

OK, tu yg 1st sucks!!
hear the 2nd!

HIM : Eh sengal, aku kate yg ni le. bape kali aku nk ulang??
ME : Sorry bang..blurr la
HIM : Ko mmg sengal pon.
ME : ....[wth]
HIM : Eh sengal, sini sini!!
ME : Ok ok
HIM : Haizz aku tak tau nak cakap ape lagi
ME : ...[almost crying, so senyap je le]
HIM : Eh, jangan la nangis. Lor...abg suh dengar tak mo. abes nak suh abg dengar awk pulak ke?
ME : [senyap x cakap ape..biarkan dia merepek bukan2]
HIM : ......
ME : ......

Ok padan muke!, last2 ko rase guilty! banyak nau cakap. sape tak sakit ati!. U noe sumthin, he said will pick up mi at 7am, den guess wad it almost 745 am but nvr show up yet! wth..but ok nvm, tak kisah la. den time balik pulak, slalunye about 3pm-4pm but ytd almost 7pm!..

Ytd, malang sungguh la..cedey giler dibuatnye..tak abes2 nk marah je...k la, malas nk story lagi..babai~

Lily :(

Hmmm.. apakah?

Apakah dan apa dia kah telah aku wat sepanjang ari ne?? aku sendiri x tau.. ( lalalala) basically, i juz laying down on my bed and watch finish off the jdodrama i have been watching from yesterday.. sugoi.. hehe.. really like the drama.. its about brother- sister relationship.. love the sensei though.. yuuta hiraoka who acted as dr yuki..want a boypren like him..tapi mimpi je la kan?? hmm.. ape die lagi yang aku wat huh?? hmm. .. sidai baju.. HAH!!( mentol kua!!).. ketam!! its been a year since i had that.. hehe.. delicious!! thnx mum!! for making that for me!! being far from family,bagos gak eh.. mintak ketam dapat ketam.. hahah.. tapi bukan jauh sangat pun.. perak jek.. but staying in that place can really drive me nuts sometimes.. ( mayb its juz me who thought like dat..haha) asek2 nak test jek.. lagi2 kalo ade spot quiz.. huish.. seb bek skang cuuutiiii.. yippeeee!! hmm.. bout the kak farah wedding ceremony tu.. i didnt go after all.. juz my mom go thats all for today.. ja ne~


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mende ko repek nih mat -__-"

LOL! lawak btuii, x de kene mengena langsung! tetibe jek ckp camtu. mende tupai melompat? haha

Lily (:

feel fresh n cool

hai! when i feel fresh? feel cool? oh no, damn not.......

why want feel that? feeling good better than best!
Lol! ape yang aku tulis ni.. Ni menunjukkan aku ni tengah dalam mati keboringan..
Huhu, truly n realy aku ni xde nk buat n then wat bende ni pn sbenanye xde makne. XDE MAKNE PN!

Ape2 pn biarla, nk wt cmner kn asyik tiap2 hari pn same gak yek. Bak kate pepatah, pandai2 tupai melompat, akhirnye jatuh ke tanah jugak.. huhu xkene mengene pn..

da la, chow

cruz @ mamat

LOL! did i FORCE u?!

Woah! today i sleep almost whole day! Haha. Coz i sleep late la, around hmm 2am den woke up around 3pm sumthin :p. Den after that do nth but 2 stick at my room watchin my lil bro play BS. At 1st he won the game, 2nd game he lose! cian die ><, nvm least he got win wad~ At the same time my younger sis was watchin jdodrama first kiss. Not interested 2 watch tgt, coz my youngest sis oso was doing sumthin wif my mum's laptop, sumore inside my ROOM oso!.. I think she played maple at that time. So i was Soooooooooo BOred u noe!! Open the tv 2 watch sumthin, bahx all channel boring! Sobs T__T. After dat, my mum back frm her work, do some cooking, and the rest i dun care. :D haha. Th
en, at 6pm asked my mum 2 teach mi bout car since i reli confused on sumthin. Around 7pm, singgah kedai buy Roti~. heee my mum bought mi an ice cream ><
Eh btw, dear my Lovely Sis, since when i FORCE u 2 write?! I juz asked u if u wanna write sumthin inside or not! Duh! Lol~

So it 2.31am, woah not sleepy yet huh? yup burung antu le katekan. Hee onli sleep at morning!~ x kisah pon if sumone say im Pemalas coz they oso do the same thing wad? Dun say u dont.

Unknown info bout mi FYI
I hate 'over' attitude person or over control...and don't act innocent in front me, coz i know people are not born with that...duh!! Im a human just like you, and that means i can get pissed off just like everyone else. I have my bad days and my good ones too. So juz be urself.. izzit So hard?

kays, peace!~
Lily (:

Konichiwa!!!! ery des~

hai!hai! act this is the first time i write smthing like this!! huhu.. well, my sis kinda force me to do it.. i was act watching first kiss jdodrama.. what a nice one.. hehe.. inoue mou acted in it.. thats why i watch adorable~~ cute hmm..act my whole day today kinda boring as i dun get the chance to go out with my pren.. wuwuwu T.T.. so bad huh??we plan to go to MP but too bad that her father wan to use the car.. lame excuse act but nvm lorr.. thats her desicion not mine.. cant force her rite?? well.. i kinda immune to it.. so my life practically boring.. watching movie and drama all day long.. but .. maybe tomoro might change coz my mom said that we'll go to kak fara wedding ceremony.. shasiburi ne~ lame da x gi tempat org kawen.. hehe... kk soreja~

Ery (: